To understand the important metrics to be viewed from EventStreams. Setup alert from Instana.
Data to be obtained for the entire EventStreams cluster.
We will look at the Infrastructure analytics (which is still in Beta).
Browse through the page and look for the following details:
Average Request Latency vs Throughput - Number of messages that arrive in a given amount of time vs time taken to process the messages.
All Brokers traffic / Broker Failures (Under-Replicated Partitions, ISR Shrinks, ISR Expansions, Active Controller count).
Cluster nodes.
Partitions per node.
Consumer Group Lags.
Producer / Consumer Metrics (requires producer / consumer to be enabled).
Data to be obtained from each node.
Browse through the page and look for the following details. Details are similar to what we saw for the cluster except - it is broken down to each node:
Produce Latency - Latency for producing messages.
Fetch Consumer Latency - Latency for consuming messages.
Fetch Follower Latency - Latency for Follower broker replications.
Broker Traffic / Broker Failures (Under-Replicated Partitions, ISR Shrinks, ISR Expansions, Active Controller count).
Log Flush latency - latency to flush cached data to physical storage.
Topics (with summary of Bytes in/out).
Instana supports sending alerts based on events.
The steps for setting up alerts:
For more information on Dynamic Focus Query
This step is optional. You can include some additional information in the alert body.
Settings -> Custom Payload -> Add Row.
This is where we will map the event, alert-channel and custom payloads and enable the alerting step.
Produce some messages to Kafka. When the number of messages produced reaches 50 per second, and alert email will be sent.
This is a sample message. This message should normally be followed by another message stating that the issue was closed once the number of messages drops below 50 for a few minutes.